05.02.2022 palveluskoirakokeiden BH-koe
Sivua päivitetty viimeksi 05.02.2022 kello 10
Päivämäärä: 05.02.2022
VIP: 04.02.2022 Alaisuus: VSPKL Luokat: PAKK, rajaton, max 10 koiraa/omistaja Startit: x2 Järjestäjä: kisakeskus Endless Elegy Vastuuhenkilö ja tuomari: nisha T |
Osallistu lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen [email protected] otsikolla PAKK6, kisakoodilla:
PAKK - 1. startti |
PAKK - 2. startti |
1-tulos, 70-100 p. BH
VTR-23525 venvin Hippulat Vinkuen Jättisipuli, Salama 98p VTR-22843 tandog Goldane's Far-Flung, Nessu 98p VTR-22249 bc Joystorm Erra Erusca, nisha 94p VTR-21930 kn Inverno Court of Royals, Nala 89p VTR-23384 saluki Nuri Yazmin Taruh, Nessu 88p VTR-22843 tandog Rudkin The Purple Elephant, Nessu 85p VTR-20509 bc Trizets Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome, nisha 84p VTR-23381 dk Spottedsoul Aideen's Promise, Dee 79p VTR-23543 slough Kirikirin Hainhammas, Dee 77p VTR-23460 tiispa Lunar Ending's Tu, nisha 76p VTR-23366 rh Lunar Ending's You Can Reach The Heavens, nisha 76p VTR-23446 d Zabor Shakespeare, Nessu 75p VTR-23463 catahou Breathe In Time, nisha 74p VTR-23509 venvin Lunar Ending's Moscow Never Sleeps, Nessu 72p VTR-23338 clk Sotasielun Aallonharja, Dee 70p 0-tulos, alle 70 p. VTR-23065 silkvi Kehrääjän Uinu Uinu Lemmikkini, Nala 66p VTR-22333 cluspa Lunar Ending's Lunatea's Veil, nisha 63p VTR-23520 cpk Sotasielun Aaveryöstö, Salama 58p VTR-23009 apk Inverno Girls Only, Nala 57p VTR-23166 amecoc Étoile Filante, Nala 46p VTR-23548 cpk Arigaz Double Trouble, Dee 44p VTR-23544 saluki Rimppakintun Vauhtiveijari, Dee 40p VTR-23147 cpk Azure Heart's 24K Gold, Dee 37p VTR-23159 saluki Fakhir al-Din, Nala 36p VTR-23504 cataho Goalkeeper's Biscuit Bank, Nessu 33p VTR-23505 cataho Black Cherry Hypnosis, Nessu 33p VTR-21863 venvin Darshan Cheeroke Dreams, Nala 29p VTR-15370 sp Blocked Believe Conduit, Nessu 28p VTR-23066 silkvi Scared Hydrophobia, Nala 27p VTR-23503 cataho Yksinäinen Saarnipuu, Nessu 26p VTR-15180 sp Blocked Bootleg Conduit, Nessu 21p VTR-22233 bc Joystorm Daika Daimon, nisha 20p VTR-23549 cpk Virvanuotan Hillitön Hippaleikki, Dee 18p VTR-23067 silkvi Verbatium Warlock, Nala 18p VTR-23459 tiiter Lunar Ending's Gangkhar Puensum, nisha 17p VTR-23380 dk Muumihumpan Helmeri, Dee 16p VTR-23554 clk Joystorm Dingy Skipper, Salama 15p VTR-23133 saluki Alwadi A'ishah, Nala 12p VTR-23464 catahou Duke of Wellington, nisha 6p VTR-22095 taiwk Cerulean's Cosmic Dust On The Space Highway, nisha 5p VTR-22134 kääsna Rosenrot's Cipsy Caprice, Dee 5p VTR-23382 dk Spottedsoul Be Real Now, Dee 4p VTR-23004 silkte Radiant As The Sun, Nala 0p |
1-tulos, 70-100 p. BH
VTR-23066 silkvi Scared Hydrophobia, Nala 100p VTR-22233 bc Joystorm Daika Daimon, nisha 98p VTR-23549 cpk Virvanuotan Hillitön Hippaleikki, Dee 97p VTR-23459 tiiter Lunar Ending's Gangkhar Puensum, nisha 95p VTR-23384 saluki Nuri Yazmin Taruh, Nessu 92p VTR-22095 taiwk Cerulean's Cosmic Dust On The Space Highway, nisha 91p VTR-23133 saluki Alwadi A'ishah, Nala 90p VTR-22134 kääsna Rosenrot's Cipsy Caprice, Dee 87p VTR-22843 tandog Goldane's Far-Flung, Nessu 87p VTR-23554 clk Joystorm Dingy Skipper, Salama 87p VTR-22843 tandog Rudkin The Purple Elephant, Nessu 85p VTR-23380 dk Muumihumpan Helmeri, Dee 84p VTR-23503 cataho Yksinäinen Saarnipuu, Nessu 82p VTR-22249 bc Joystorm Erra Erusca, nisha 76p VTR-23009 apk Inverno Girls Only, Nala 75p VTR-23505 cataho Black Cherry Hypnosis, Nessu 74p VTR-23520 cpk Sotasielun Aaveryöstö, Salama 72p VTR-23004 silkte Radiant As The Sun, Nala 71p VTR-23065 silkvi Kehrääjän Uinu Uinu Lemmikkini, Nala 70p VTR-15370 sp Blocked Believe Conduit, Nessu 70p 0-tulos, alle 70 p. VTR-23338 clk Sotasielun Aallonharja, Dee 65p VTR-23147 cpk Azure Heart's 24K Gold, Dee 58p VTR-23460 tiispa Lunar Ending's Tu, nisha 55p VTR-23067 silkvi Verbatium Warlock, Nala 52p VTR-23543 slough Kirikirin Hainhammas, Dee 50p VTR-15180 sp Blocked Bootleg Conduit, Nessu 49p VTR-23464 catahou Duke of Wellington, nisha 45p VTR-20509 bc Trizets Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome, nisha 44p VTR-23159 saluki Fakhir al-Din, Nala 41p VTR-23548 cpk Arigaz Double Trouble, Dee 40p VTR-23504 cataho Goalkeeper's Biscuit Bank, Nessu 34p VTR-23382 dk Spottedsoul Be Real Now, Dee 34p VTR-23509 venvin Lunar Ending's Moscow Never Sleeps, Nessu 34p VTR-23544 saluki Rimppakintun Vauhtiveijari, Dee 26p VTR-23366 rh Lunar Ending's You Can Reach The Heavens, nisha 24p VTR-23381 dk Spottedsoul Aideen's Promise, Dee 19p VTR-22333 cluspa Lunar Ending's Lunatea's Veil, nisha 18p VTR-21930 kn Inverno Court of Royals, Nala 8p VTR-23463 catahou Breathe In Time, nisha 6p VTR-23166 amecoc Étoile Filante, Nala 5p VTR-23446 d Zabor Shakespeare, Nessu 4p VTR-23525 venvin Hippulat Vinkuen Jättisipuli, Salama 1p VTR-21863 venvin Darshan Cheeroke Dreams, Nala 0p |